Inspiring people
to connect with
the God Within

UC Truth exists to empower people to live from the divine potential within them as a means of fulfilling their passion and purpose.

Welcome to UC Truth

The Universal Centre of Truth for Better Living (UC Truth) is a Bible-based New Thought Church in Kingston, Jamaica. We exist to empower people to live from the God in them so that they can fulfil their passions and purpose. We teach the inclusive, love-based message of Jesus the Christ and make it relevant and practical for all people, regardless of who you are.

Sunday Worship Celebration

Join us for our Sunday Worship Celebration every Sunday at 10:30 am. Our service is held both in-person at our Collins Green location, with ample parking, and online, allowing you to participate from anywhere in the world through multiple platforms.

In Person

15 Collins Green Avenue
Kingston 5

Be Inspired Daily With Truth

Are you looking for a daily dose of inspiration and guidance?

Look no further than The Daily Inspiration, the flagship publication of the Universal Foundation for Better Living (UFBL). Our daily devotional provides you with powerful New Thought principles that will help you transform your life from the inside out.

Written by authors from UFBL centres around the world, each message provides a unique perspective and fresh insights.

Ponderings Newsletter

Each week, our senior minister will provide a recap of the previous week’s sermon along with some additional thoughts and reflections on the topic. Our goal is to provide you with a deeper understanding of the sermon and give you the tools to apply the principles in your daily life.

UC Truth Youth Ministry

Join our youth ministry every Sunday at 2pm CST / 3pm EST for a time of sharing and engagement as we explore spiritual principles in a fun and practical way. 

Ministry affiliation or physical location does not matter!

Meeting ID: 896 6903 1789
Passcode: youths


With your generosity, we are able to carry out God’s work and share the abundant, inclusive, and love-based teachings of Jesus the Christ with people in Jamaica and around the world, helping people change their lives for the better.