
Scripture Reading – 2 Corinthians 6:16 (NRSVUE)

“What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God, as God said, ‘I will live in them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people…’ “


Introductory Remarks: 

The first Sunday of the Lenten Season offers us the opportunity to examine how we Self-Identify. For whom we believe ourselves and others to be has implications for every aspect of life and will determine if we permit experiences (helpful or harmful) to bless us or break us. 


Major Points of the Lesson:

  1. We are not here to AGREE with the world and its labels. Refuse to let the world define you. Instead, AGREE with what God says about you. Live from there. 
  2. Jesus reminds us this week to Self-Identify:
    • First and foremost as a spiritual being, expressing in human form.
    • As a spiritual being whose nature is eternal; A nature that is never born and will never die.
    • With God’s Spirit as the Spirit of You. Your Spirit is Divine, not human.
    • The Divine Spark in you is cloaked in invisibility, yet it symbolizes God’s presence indwelling you; and God’s potentiality available to you. Seek It!


Today, count the times that you recognized the divinity in yourself and in others, even when it appeared to be ‘hiding.’ 


Pages 33-51, A Closer Walk With Jesus (UFBL); 40 Days of Letting Go, Lent 2023, pgs. 17-23; Daily Inspiration (UFBL);