
Scripture Reading – John 13:34 (NRSVUE)

‘I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.’

Introductory Remarks: 

The second Sunday of the Lenten Season offers us the opportunity to walk with Jesus and ‘learn the Truth about every man, woman, and child in your life – and in the world.’ 

‘Each one is an expression of God, just as you are. Each one is loved by Jesus with an unbroken passion, just as you are. Each one is worthy of God’s grace and the blessings of the abundant life, just as you are.’ A Closer Walk With Jesus, pg. 66.

Major Points of the Lesson:

  1. God’s love is the main ingredient that binds us together as one family. This love has no respect for perceived differences. ‘In order to walk…with the Master [Teacher Jesus] you must be willing to relinquish the old consciousness of a belief in separation and embrace the consciousness of Universal Oneness.’ pg. 55 
  2. ‘As we grow in spiritual consciousness…we come into a greater recognition of our responsibility [spiritual and moral] to and for each other, especially for children… It is our responsibility to assist and support [the children]…[and to] make our spiritual presence felt in our communities.’ pgs. 58 – 59.  
  3. Like Jesus, the more challenged we are, the more love we are called to share. ‘It will be advantageous to your spiritual growth to…display an unconditional, impersonal love for all mankind despite personal challenges.’ pg. 67

Conduct a personal inventory. Do you allow the behaviour of others to irritate you or to interrupt your ‘Walk with Jesus?’ Ask yourself, ‘How would Jesus react in a similar situation?’

Pages 53-79, A Closer Walk With Jesus (UFBL); 40 Days of Letting Go, Lent 2023, pgs. 25-31; Daily Inspiration (UFBL);