Watch Your Mouth

SCRIPTURE – Matthew 12:37 (NKJV)

“For by your words, you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”


For 48 years the Universal Foundation for Better Living’s (UFBL)has unapologetically shared principles to help us live a happy, healthy and prosperous life now. One such principle is the power of our spoken word to heal, to bless, to uplift and to prosper. When we remember and stay in alignment with our spiritual lineage as children of God our words become the key to our happy, healthy and prosperous life. There is nothing more powerful than a thought spoken with, faith, power and conviction- positive or negative. What you speak for yourself or others, you get to keep the original.


Major Points

  1. The spoken word is the end product of your thoughts. Thoughts backed by emotions which then become manifest, are your words.
  2. Your speech is a reflection of your state of consciousness.
  3. Every word from your mouth is an affirmation and a decree when you speak. Shift your focus from what you do not want to what you do want.


Quotes to Ponder:

“Say what you want to say, not what you impetuously are led to say by the habit of thought. Don’t keep telling yourself how awful you feel, or how hot the day is, or how miserable your job is. Say to yourself, “Stop that!” …. Say what you want to be true, and say it as if it were already true. This is the whole secret of affirmation.”
– Eric Butterworth Speaks: Essays on Abundant Living #23 : The Power Of The Spoken Word


“There is power in the spoken word; certain words turn on the cells…the organs…the tissues inside of you. I will say it again. This is a do-it-yourself thing. You’ve got to do it for you. The words I speak are for me, not for you. Until you can put down all of the churchiness and cuteness and get involved, you will not get any results. …This stuff if you work it, will work. It will heal your body. It will make your pocketbooks get fat with a whole lot of hundred-dollar bills… That is, if you will just open your mouth and begin to speak the word.”
– Johnnie Colemon’s, It Works If You Work It, pg. 64