How Big Is Your God?

SCRIPTURE – John 4:24 (ICB)

“God is spirit. Those who worship God must worship in spirit and truth.”



For 48 years the Universal Foundation for Better Living’s (UFBL)message has unapologetically shared that God lives in YOU and is not separate from YOU! God is as BIG as you can conceive and believe.

UFBL Founder, Johnnie Colemon, unapologetically taught: ‘God is alive, right now, in me and in you…God is personal to each one of us, available to us as quickly as we can turn [our attention to God’s presence]’. It Works If You Work It, pgs. 122-123


Major Points

  1. ‘Who is God to me?’ We can answer this question from the space of what religious dogma proclaims or from what our ‘lived experience’ has revealed. ‘You’ve got a big God, waiting to supply you with as much as you can hold. Expand your mind and Think Big!’ Johnnie Colemon’s, It Works If You Work It, pg. 19.
  2. Jesus’ words to the Samaritan Woman at the well reveal that ‘God is Spirit.’ Not in some places, but all places; not for some people but for all people.
  3. Big God demonstrations happened for Jesus because he had a Big Understanding of God’s Power, Presence and Wisdom. How Big is YOUR Understanding of God?


Quote to Ponder:

‘…Jesus was not ashamed to claim His oneness and sameness with God. He acknowledged the presence and power of God in everything He did…God is Spirit–everywhere, evenly present.’

Dr. Johnnie Colemon’s, It Works If You Work It, pg.123