Stand On Your Two Big Spiritual Feet


“Therefore put on God’s complete armor, that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on [of danger], and, having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place].”

Ephesians 6:13 (AMPC)


  • For 48 years the Universal Foundation for Better Living’s (UFBL) message has unapologetically shared that the universal spiritual principles work when we dare to work in alignment with them.
  • UFBL Founder, Johnnie Colemon, stood on universal principle and experienced bodily healing, an elevated prosperity consciousness that resulted in a mega church, elementary school, restaurant, global network of ministries, teaching institute, a seminary, and so much more.
  • She often reminded her audience that each of us has “Two BIG Spiritual Feet’ on which to stand and prove God in our lives.

Major Points

  1. Standing on your own two spiritual feet means:
    • Trust in God in YOU.
    • Know that you are God’s heir and your inheritance is rich, now.
    • In faith, keep God first.
    • Work in harmony with spiritual law in mind, body, and works by standing on the spiritual principles of Truth and not the facts.

  2. We live in an orderly universe that is governed by spiritual law. Therefore, for every challenge encountered, there is a spiritual solution available to us. As we ‘Stand on our own two spiritual feet’, the solution appears.
    • When we cease to be overwhelmed by the facts, we open up to the spiritual solution that is already in our midst.
    • We find the solution because it was seeking us before we sought it.
      “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

Quote to Ponder

‘Stand firm in your conviction that you are all that God is. Do not allow yourself to give up when the appearance or conditions show signs of regression. Become like Jacob, and wrestle with the angel… until it blesses you.’

Johnnie Colemon, Open Your Mind and Be Healed, pg 26.