Spiritually Emancipated, Triumphant Proud and Free

Scripture Reading

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Matthew 6:33 (KJV)

Introductory Remarks: 

The Reverend Don Nedd was inspired with a Blueprint for Living Better Lives. That blueprint was adopted by the Universal Foundation for Better Living, Inc. (UFBL) Board of Directors in 1974 as its Statement of Faith.

Thus far, we have addressed Statements 1-6 of the blueprint:

We Believe that it is God’s will that every individual on the face of this earth should live a healthy, happy, and prosperous life. 

We Believe that such a life is within the reach of each one of us and the way to its attainment begins with the realization that the Kingdom of God is within waiting for us to bring it into expression. 

We Believe that we can bring this Kingdom forth by practicing the universal spiritual principles, handed down through the ages and taught by our Way-Shower, Jesus Christ.

We Believe with Jesus that our experiences are the reflections of our beliefs and therefore, the key to happy and successful living is right thinking, followed by right action.

We Believe with Jesus that the basis for right thinking is LOVE, love of God and all that is good in others and ourselves. 

We Believe that learning to listen to the whisperings of the “still small voice” within us will ensure that we are guided into right action.

Today, we address Statement 7:

We Believe that rather than devoting our primary efforts to providing for the needy of the world, the time has come to make available to all people everywhere a teaching that will enable them to provide for themselves by learning to release the divine potential within them.


“Every man has within him a “sleeping giant.” Within every man is the Christ and when the divine energy is awakened and released, we can achieve any goal, [or] acquire whatever we need or desire. Too often we feel it is our “Christian duty” to give good, handed down clothes and advice to those we feel are ‘needy.’ Far better that we acquaint them with these principles so that they can enjoy the fullness of God as His children and heirs.”

Rev. Helen Carry


Extend your prayer and meditation time and seek the answers to the following :

1. What is the highest possibility for your life at this very moment?

2. Are you living up to that possibility?

If you are not, what changes do you need to make in your life right now and what is the game plan to transform and become the best you there is.