Mastering Life’s Moments

September 1, 2024

Scripture Reading

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)

Introductory Remarks: 

There are many moments in life when our strength seems to fail and our courage appears to have disappeared. It is in these moments that we can summon the gifts that God Almighty placed within us in the beginning. These gifts remind us that we are Masters in every moment and not victims of the moment.

Major Points of the Lesson:

  1. It is our choice and privilege to know that we have all we need to meet every moment in life. With God’s help, we overcome what appears to deny us the greater good.
  2. When we claim our mastery, we boldly ask:
    • What is this? (Face what you fear).
    • What is the ask? (What am I being invited to become/do?)
    • Am I participating? (Do I accept the invitation or not?) 
    • If accepted, what is required of me? (What spiritual truth must I know to attain my freedom?) 


“All that I choose to do, I can do. All that I choose to see, I can have…Whatever you give your attention to, God creates through you.”

Dr. Johnnie Colemon’s, It Works If You Work It (Jubilee edition), pg. 71.


Choose today, to look yourself in the face and say: “I dare you, with God’s help, to master the moments that scare you the most.”