Consecrated To Thrive In 2025


“Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy; for I am the LORD your God.”

Leviticus 20:7 (NRSV)

God’s Nature and God’s Will is Absolute Good. Since God is no respecter of person, God’s Will is that ALL people Thrive, without exception. 

Consecrate – “The dedication of one’s everyday thought to God; a complete surrender of oneself to God. The entire mind is brought under the control of the Christ Consciousness with whole-souled devotion to spiritual ideas.” Revealing Word by Charles Fillmore

Major Points of the Lesson:

Consecration is an act of full surrender to God. We surrender All that we are, and All we hope to be; and All that we possess and All that we hope to possess. An act of consecration prepares you to be “fit and ready” to thrive in every circumstance. This is God’s will for you.

Musical Interlude – ‘I Surrender All’

Consecration is not a one-time event but a daily practice. On this first Sunday of the new year, we intentionally choose to consecrate our thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions to God. In expectation of the highest and best outcomes, we say, ‘Have Thine Own Way, God. Have Thine Own Way!’

Musical Interlude – ‘Have Thine Own Way Lord’

Consecration Responsive Reading

Leader: I consecrate my life to God who shaped me and formed me while I was yet in my mother’s womb.

Response: The life of God is revealed in, through and as me, today. I am available for God to use for a good and divine purpose. My life is consecrated to God.

Leader: I consecrate my thinking to dwell only on that which is pure, lovely, honest, just, and of good report.

Response: As I think in my heart, so it will be in my life. I begin now to think on God’s thoughts that move mountains, erase error, affirm the Truth, prosper, forgive, heal, and bless. My thoughts are consecrated to God.

Leader: I consecrate my words that they may be uplifting, yet truthful; just, yet compassionate.

Response: The words I speak do not return to me void. Therefore, I guard my words because they return to me every day clothed with the character of my intention. My words are consecrated to God.

I consecrate my feelings to God, so that I may not be entangled with feelings of negativity, selfishness, hatred, and bondage.

Response: My feelings are indicators of my inner conversation. God has given me the power to adjust my conversation and therefore, change the way I feel. My feelings are consecrated to God.

Leader: The action or behaviour that I allow myself to participate in is the external demonstration of an internal belief. “As I believe, it will be done unto me.” I choose to believe in God in myself and others, even when my behaviour or the behaviour of others falls short of God’s standard. I keep the high watch on the inner landscape of my beliefs.

Response: Christ in me is my inner compass. I re-commit to consulting the Christ presence in me prior to responding to outer demands and circumstances. Christ in me will always lead me in paths of righteousness (right thinking, right feeling, right words, right actions, and right reactions). My success is assured as I refuse to lean on my own understanding. My actions are consecrated to God.

Together: I commit time daily to receive instructions from my indwelling Christ, whose plan for me is always good. It gives me a future with hope and if filled to overflowing with unlimited possibilities. This plan blesses me, my family and friends, my church, my business, my nation and the whole world. To God be the Glory.