Beyond the Words…’One with God!’

Scripture Reading

Jesus: “If you know Me, you know the Father. Rest assured now; you know Him and have seen Him.

Philip: Lord, all I am asking is that You show us the Father.

Jesus (to Philip): I have lived with you all this time, and you still don’t know who I am? If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father. How can you keep asking to see the Father? Don’t you believe Me when I say I abide in the Father and the Father dwells in Me? I’m not making this up as I go along. The Father has given Me these truths that I have been speaking to you, and He empowers all My actions.”

John 14:7-10 (The Voice)


God is Omnipresent, Impersonal, and The Universal Principle of Absolute Good. Our human experience and that of others often cloud our recognition of this Truth. Even more, we limit God’s capacity in our lives through duality, fear, culture, old language and outdated beliefs. When we truly awaken to the unlimited wander and allness of God and grasp that we are one in God we more fully realize and express our divinity right here on Earth.

Point #1: When I understand God’s Allness – omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience – as realities in which I live, then duality, fear, lack and doubt is dissolved.

Point #2: My oneness with God can no longer be a cliché. Just as Jesus understood his unity with the Father, we are also called to see ourselves as one with God, moving beyond mere words and belief to knowing and being this Truth. My life transformation depends on it.

Point #3: My Spiritual growth demands that I trample down limiting beliefs. I must uproot and dismantle ‘hand-me-down,’ ‘God-limiting ideas’ rooted in culture and tradition that no longer serve my spiritual growth.

Point #4: When I consistently dwell in the Spirit, the nature of my thoughts (beliefs), words, actions and reactions will mirror the nature of God – the everywhere Present Spirit of Absolute Good. 


“I AM a child or manifestation of God, and every moment God’s Life, Love, Wisdom, Power flow into and through me. I AM One with God, and I AM governed by God’s Law.”

H Emile Cady (Lessons in Truth)


Meditate on Omnipresence this week. Then, as many times as you can, think, feel, say and be these words “God is here. Thank you God”.  Find one person to share how this affirmation transformed your environment.